Thursday, August 30, 2012

"creative", "imagination", and "culture"

What does "creative" mean? tells me that the word 'creative' means "having the quality or power of creating".  This is, of course, not really helpful at all.
I would define creativity as a form of thought that is more sophisticated than simple observation.  It is, I guess, the ability to put together bits of information to make something new.  Creativity, although it plays a large role in the nature of a human being, can be found in other animals as well.  Primates using tools, and developing complex social structures requires creative thinking.  I guess creativity is linked rather closely to intelligence.  Animals that are considered 'intelligent' usually exhibit evidence of creative thought.  For example, (see above) a dolphin creating the game of 'catch' with a piece of seaweed.  This would be an example of pure creativity, serving no purpose other than entertainment.

What does "imagination" mean?

This time, I asked the great Wikipedia for an answer.  The answer I got was more satisfactory; the ability of forming new images and sensations when they are not percieved through the senses.  I think this is a pretty good explanation, actually; something is taking form in your mind, when it isn't real anywhere else. 
Obviously, creativity is a big part of imagination.  Imagination would be creativity that occurs purely in the mind.  Imagination is a more in-depth creative process, which can range from a daydream created to tune out the professor, to an eight-hundred page novel, or an opera.  To me, imagination involves creating some sort of fantasy world, but it need not be extremely sophisticated. 

What does "culture" mean?

Back to for this one; "the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic or age group".  
This definition is not a bad one, but I feel it leaves out a very important part of culture - art!  Everyone can identify this painting (above) as a work of art that is distinctly Asian (in this case, Chinese or perhaps Japanese).  Art plays an important part in the lives of all people and therefore is integral in their various cultures. 
There can also be cultures within cultures, for example, within the American culture, there are many subcultures.  The "hippie" culture of the mid-late 1900's is a good example of this.  They had a certain manner of dress, listened to the same style of music, made the same pyschedellic art, and even spoke in a similar way ("Woahh, dude, that's totally righteous!")
These three concepts are major influences that go into making works of art, be they music, dance, prose, poetry, film, or photography.

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